Liturgical MinistriesAltar Server: Children or adults aho are fully initiated are invited to learn to serve at the Lord's Table during Mass. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass.
Choir: Choir members lead our community in worship at Mass through song. Rehearsals are currently on hold due to COVID-19. General Musicians: Handbell choir member, instrumentalist, soloist, and substitute organist/pianist opportunities are available. Crucifer: Adults carry the processional crucifix at the beginning and end of Mass. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass. Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Ministers are commissioned for three years by the bishop to distribute Holy Communion at Mass, at the hospital, and to the homebound. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass. Greeter: Ministers offer hospitality to each person as they arrive at Mass. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass. Lector: Lectors proclaim the scriptures to the community at Mass. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass. Usher: Ministers welcome parishioners to Mass, take up the gifts, and help in any way that may be needed. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule and must be willing to serve at any Mass. |
Other MinistriesCatechist: Catechists share the Church's faith story with our children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Classes are scheduled weekly, 10:30am-11:30am on Sundays, September-May.
Children's Liturgy of the Word: Ministers offer our young children the opportunity to fully participate in the 12pm Sunday Mass at Holy Childhood by sharing the scripture readings with them at their level. Cleaning and Pressing Altar Cloths: Ministers take special care in cleaning and pressing the altar cloths that are used at Mass. Pick up soiled altar cloths on Monday and return cleaned altar cloths on Friday. Ministers serve 1-2 times per month. Christian Service Commission: Ministers serve the needs of our community through Tree of Life collections, preparing meals for the homeless shelters, and hosting social events for those who live in assisted living communities. Coffee Hosts: Coffee hosts take turns providing hospitality, coffee, and donuts in the parish hall after the Sunday 8:00am at Holy Childhood each week after COVID restrictions are lifted. Floral Arrangement: Each week, volunteers amplify the beauty of Holy Childhood with different floral arrangements on the main and side altars, as well as a few other locations throughout the Church. Fun Committee: Members work together to host fun activities for all to enjoy (e.g. Parish/cluster picnic, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.) New Beginnings Thrift Store Helper: Ministers help our thrift store manager process donations by assisting with pick ups, hanging clothes, mailings, and testing/assembling items. Photography/Videography: Take photographs and/or videos of parish events to be used in the bulletin, for publicity, and to archive our parish history. Traveling Chalice for Vocations: Families, individuals, or groups bring a chalice home to be used as a focal point when praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Youth Ministry: Ministers work with 6th-12th graders to explore and learn more about their faith through retreats, rallies, service projects, conferences, and other outings. |