Tree of Life
September: Paper and Personal Products Pantry
"Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to the one who has nothing. … Likely most of us would consider a roll of toilet paper, a box of tissue, or some hand soap to be a small need. Likely, too, if a need was constant, that "small" need would become crucial. More neighbors than we know need basic paper and personal care products for daily living and personal hygiene. Please help with the "small" things - listed on Tree of Life tags found in the narthex of Holy Childhood and entrance of Holy Cross. They may be placed in that same area when donating. If preferred, envelopes are also offered for your contributions toward purchasing those items and may be placed in the collection basket throughout September. Thank You for your prayerful and generous support. ...Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could." - St. Gregory Nazianzen Please keep an eye on the bulletin for more details about this and all other Christian Service Commission projects. |